Monday, November 10, 2008

There is always a choice

There has been a lot of talk lately regarding roll models and examples. It's been said that a good example has twice the value of good advice. I'm a believer. 
Growing up I had a wonderful Aunt and even though I didn't see her more than 4-5 times a year, each time I did I came away just a little better. She and my uncle were unable to have children so any time her nieces or nephews were around she was more than willing to sit down and talk or make us something good to eat. I remember a conversation I stumbled into when all the adults were sitting around talking. I'm not sure of the subject matter but I remember one comment from Aunt Edna and I have never forgotten it. She said "I believe everyone has a purpose on this earth. . . . if only to serve as a bad example." Every one got a laugh and everyone knew it was true. 
We constantly hear that example is the job of a parent, but isn't actually a job for everyone? Seems to me and my Aunt Edna of course, that the choice falls to what kind of example we are going to be rather than if we are going to be an example at all. Just by saying "I am NOT an example" doesn't cut us free from the responsibility we have has humans to our fellow man and that is where we fall down. Too often I am so self absorbed in my own issues that I don't recognize my responsibility to everyone else. 

Yeah seriously, everyone else. 

We all at one time or another expect better things from people. Less anger, a little more courtesy and when we are way out on a limb, general civility and decency to each other regardless of our backgrounds or current state in life. 
Maybe the key to my example issue is to just be a better one myself. Be the kind of person I would like to see other people be. 

Seems like there is some kind of rule about that already.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Preach My Gospel

I came home in 1985 and its been a struggle ever since.
Two weeks ago my second son was set apart as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is good and faithful young man and is following his heart and the example that his older brother set for him 20 or so months earlier. Once a missionary is officially set apart he is never to be without a full-time companion. It has a lot to do with safety. Safety from the temptations of the world and from those thoughts and actions that would deter him from the work he was called and willingly accepted to do.
As with his older brother, it was my privilege to be assigned as his companion for the short time between his setting apart Tuesday evening and his delivery to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on Wednesday afternoon. That means that I dress and act like a full-time missionary right along with him. It means that we get up early, usually 6:00AM, then we pray and study as a companionship and get about the duties of the day. None of which include TV, Radio, MP3’s or dating. It’s all about the work of the Lord. So Wednesday morning we got after the studying and that is when I realized the struggle could possibly be over.
In our church we are counseled to devote a little time each day to studying those things that will help us build and maintain a better relationship with our Savior. By doing so we become better people. If we know more about Jesus Christ and his desires for our happiness we tend to strive to be more like him. Hopefully that is reflected in the way we treat our fellowman and our general attitude about life and the way we live it. Anyway I have attempted to start a daily study regimen more times than I dare to mention. They have had their success with me but short of just getting up and studying the scriptures I have never found anything that helps and compels me like “Preach My Gospel”. That morning as I sat there studying with my son I realized that the countless people would had told me either personally or in a talk to the masses, that Preach My Gospel was an inspired guide, were absolutely right. He and I studied and the longer we did the more it confirmed to me that this was something that could help me reach my goals of better knowing my Savior and in turn being a better husband, father and friend.
In my many attempts to read and learn on a regular basis I always had limited progress and without question it was my fault. It could be that it was beyond my mental discipline to just read and study. It just felt too much like I was going through the motions. Fortunately for me, it doesn’t feel like that anymore. Preach My Gospel is as simple as I need but provides great depth for the subjects and issues I want to dig deeper into. It also helps me understand ALL of the things that God has given me and the path that would lead me back to Him.
Now more than ever I feel the need for His guidance. I’m only sorry I didn’t listen and act a little earlier.