Growing up I had a wonderful Aunt and even though I didn't see her more than 4-5 times a year, each time I did I came away just a little better. She and my uncle were unable to have children so any time her nieces or nephews were around she was more than willing to sit down and talk or make us something good to eat. I remember a conversation I stumbled into when all the adults were sitting around talking. I'm not sure of the subject matter but I remember one comment from Aunt Edna and I have never forgotten it. She said "I believe everyone has a purpose on this earth. . . . if only to serve as a bad example." Every one got a laugh and everyone knew it was true.
We constantly hear that example is the job of a parent, but isn't actually a job for everyone? Seems to me and my Aunt Edna of course, that the choice falls to what kind of example we are going to be rather than if we are going to be an example at all. Just by saying "I am NOT an example" doesn't cut us free from the responsibility we have has humans to our fellow man and that is where we fall down. Too often I am so self absorbed in my own issues that I don't recognize my responsibility to everyone else.
Yeah seriously, everyone else.
We all at one time or another expect better things from people. Less anger, a little more courtesy and when we are way out on a limb, general civility and decency to each other regardless of our backgrounds or current state in life.
Maybe the key to my example issue is to just be a better one myself. Be the kind of person I would like to see other people be.
Seems like there is some kind of rule about that already.
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